Source code for datawrangler.core.configurator

from configparser import ConfigParser
from copy import copy
import os
import warnings
import functools         # used when applying default options
import numpy as np

    from flair import embeddings
    pass # used when applying default options

__version__ = '0.2.1'

[docs]def get_default_options(fname=None): """ Parse a config.ini file Parameters ---------- :param fname: absolute-path filename for the config.ini file (default: data-wrangler/datawrangler/core/config.ini) Returns ------- :return: A dictionary whose keys are function names and whose values are dictionaries of default arguments and keyword arguments """ if fname is None: fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config.ini') config = ConfigParser() config = dict(config) for a, b in config.items(): config[a] = dict(b) for c, d in config[a].items(): config[a][c] = d return config
[docs]def update_dict(template, updates, from_config=False): """ Replace a template dictionary's values with new values defined in a second "updates" dictionary. Parameters ---------- :param template: default keys and values to use (if not specified in the "updates" dictionary) :param updates: new values to use (and/or new keys to add to the resulting dictionary) :param from_config: if True, evaluate the keys in the "template" dictionary and set their values to the result. Used when loading options from the configuration file. (Default: False) Returns ------- :return: A new dictionary containing the union of the keys/values in template and updates, with preference given to the updates dictionary """ template = copy(template) if from_config: for k, v in template.items(): template[k] = eval(v) for k, v in updates.items(): template[k] = v return template
defaults = get_default_options() if not os.path.exists(eval(defaults['data']['datadir'])): os.makedirs(eval(defaults['data']['datadir'])) # add in default keyword arguments (and values) specified in config.ini based on the function or class name # can also be used as a decorator
[docs]def apply_defaults(f, defaults=None): """ Replace a function's default arguments and keyword arguments with defaults specified in config.ini Parameters ---------- :param f: a function :param defaults: an optional dictionary of default options (default: get_default_options) Returns ------- :return: a function replacing and un-specified arguments with the defaults defined in config.ini """ if defaults is None: defaults = get_default_options() def get_name(func): if hasattr(func, '__name__'): return func.__name__ else: # noinspection PyShadowingNames name = str(func) if '(' in name: return name[:name.rfind('(')] else: return name name = get_name(f) if name in defaults.keys(): default_kwargs = {k: eval(v) for k, v in dict(defaults[name]).items() if k[:2] != '__'} else: default_kwargs = {} default_args = [eval(v) for k, v in dict(defaults[name]).items() if k[:2] == '__'] @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: return f(*args, **update_dict(default_kwargs, kwargs)) else: return f(*default_args, **update_dict(default_kwargs, kwargs)) if callable(f): return wrapped_function else: warnings.warn('class decoration is under development and should not be used in critical applications') class WrappedClass(f): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = update_dict(default_kwargs, kwargs) super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for a in functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS: setattr(self, a, getattr(f, a)) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__wrapped__) return WrappedClass