Source code for datawrangler.util.helpers

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import six
import warnings
import os

from import load
from import get_extension
from ..zoo.array import is_array

[docs]def btwn(x, a, b): """ Test whether the values of an array (or scalar) are between the given bounds (inclusive) Parameters ---------- :param x: a numeric scalar or Array :param a: lower bound-- a numeric scalar or an Array of the same shape as x :param b: upper bound-- a numeric scalar or an Array of the same shape as x Returns ------- :return: True if the values in the given Array are between the given bounds (inclusive), and False otherwise. """ assert np.isscalar(a), ValueError(f'lower limit must be scalar (given: {type(a)}') assert np.isscalar(b), ValueError(f'upper limit must be scalar (given: {type(b)}') if b < a: return btwn(x, b, a) return np.all(x >= a) and np.all(x <= b)
[docs]def dataframe_like(x, debug=False): """ Determine whether an object can be treated as a Pandas DataFrame for wrangling purposes Parameters ---------- :param x: the object :param debug: internal flag (default: False) that prints out why an object is *not* dataframe like Returns ------- :return: True (if the object can be treated like a DataFrame) or False otherwise """ required_attributes = ['values', 'index', 'columns', 'shape', 'stack', 'unstack', 'loc', 'iloc', 'size', 'copy', 'head', 'tail', 'items', 'iteritems', 'keys', 'iterrows', 'itertuples', 'where', 'query', 'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'mod', 'pow', 'dot', 'radd', 'rsub', 'rmul', 'rdiv', 'rtruediv', 'rfloordiv', 'rmod', 'rpow', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'ne', 'eq', 'apply', 'groupby', 'rolling', 'expanding', 'abs', 'filter', 'drop', 'drop_duplicates', 'backfill', 'bfill', 'ffill', 'fillna', 'interpolate', 'pad', 'droplevel', 'pivot', 'pivot_table', 'squeeze', 'melt', 'join', 'merge'] for r in required_attributes: if not hasattr(x, r): if debug: print(f'missing method: {r}') return False return True
[docs]def array_like(x, force_literal=False): """ Determine whether an object can be treated as a Numpy Array for wrangling purposes Parameters ---------- :param x: the object :param force_literal: specify whether strings should be interpreted strictly (if force_literal == True) or whether they may refer to files or URLs (if force_literal == False). Default: False Returns ------- :return: True (if the object can be treated like an Array) or False otherwise """ if type(x) is str: if force_literal: return False else: return array_like(load(x), force_literal=True) return is_array(x) or dataframe_like(x) or (type(x) in [list, np.array, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame])
[docs]def depth(x): """ Determine the maximum depth of a list or array (i.e., maximum amount of nesting, across all elements) Parameters ---------- :param x: an array-like object Returns ------- :return: The depth of the object """ if array_like(x): if np.isscalar(x) or (len(x) == 0): return 0 else: return 1 + np.max([depth(i) for i in x]) else: return 0