Source code for datawrangler.zoo.array

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import six
import os
from import load
from ..core.configurator import update_dict

def is_number(x):
    Internal function-- return whether an object is a numerical scalar

    :param x: the object to test

    :return: True of x is a real or complex scalar and False otherwise
    if np.isscalar(x):
        return np.isreal(x) or np.iscomplex(x)  # exclude single characters (non-numeric)
    if type(x) is list:
        return all([is_number(i) for i in x])
    return False

[docs]def is_array(x): """ Return True if and only if is an Array, or a file that can be loaded into an Array. Parameters ---------- :param x: an object, file path or URL Returns ------- :return: whether (or not) x is an array (or if it points to an array) """ if (not ('str' in str(type(x)))) and (type(x).__module__ == 'numpy'): return True else: # noinspection PyBroadException try: if is_array(load(x)): return True except: if type(x) == list: return all([is_array(i) for i in x]) elif is_number(x): return True return False
[docs]def wrangle_array(data, return_model=False, **kwargs): """ Turn an Array into a Pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- :param data: an Array (or path to an Array) :param return_model: if True, return a function for casting an Array into a DataFrame (along with the resulting DataFrame). Default: False :param kwargs: a list of keyword arguments: - 'model': a callable function or constructor, or a dictionary containing the following keys: - 'model': a callable function or constructor - 'args': a list of arguments to pass to the function (in addition to data) - 'kwargs': a list of keyword arguments to pass to the function default: pandas.DataFrame - all other keyword arguments are passed to the model (or constructor). These can be used to change how the DataFrame is created (e.g., passing columns=['one', 'two', 'three'] will change the column names of the resulting DataFrame, assuming the "model" is pandas.DataFrame). Returns ------- :return: The resulting DataFrame """ def stacker(x): while x.ndim >= 3: last_dim = x.ndim - 1 x = np.concatenate(np.split(x, x.shape[last_dim], axis=last_dim), axis=last_dim-1) x = np.squeeze(x) return x if is_number(data): data = np.array(data) elif (type(data) in six.string_types) and os.path.exists(data) and is_array(data): data = load(data) if ('sparse' in str(type(data))) and hasattr(data, 'toarray'): data = data.toarray() data = stacker(np.atleast_2d(data)) model = kwargs.pop('model', pd.DataFrame) if type(model) is dict: # noinspection PyArgumentList assert all([k in model.keys() for k in ['model', 'args', 'kwargs']]), ValueError(f'Invalid model: {model}') model_args = model['args'] model_kwargs = update_dict(model['kwargs'], kwargs) model = model['model'] else: model_args = [] model_kwargs = kwargs wrangled = model(data, *model_args, **model_kwargs) if return_model: return wrangled, {'model': model, 'args': model_args, 'kwargs': model_kwargs} return wrangled